Download Game : Ninja Blade

pagi sob.....skian lama saya gak pernah update game..oleh karena  kemarin saya lagi sibuk dengan urusan kampus, alias sibuk skripsi dan sukur almadulilah smuanya da slesai dan saya bisa memfokuskan lagi untuk menyalurkan hobi yaitu berbagi software, game terutama untuk para pecinta gamers.

Game kali ini yang saya shere adalah game Ninja Blade. game ini merupakan salah satu game favorite saya lo adventure yang satu ini emang asik tuk di mainkan dimana tokoh dalam game ini adalah seorang ninja modern menggunakan katana, pedang dan pedang kembar sebagai senjata utama untuk membunuh musuhnya. Game ini hampir sama dengan game Ninja Gaiden atau Devil May Cry. bagi sobat yang penasaran sama ni game, langsung aj sob download dan mainkan..dijamin dah pasti suka..???

Story :
ninja bladen 2015, a small village was attacked by unknown creatures and the survivors were moved to a research facility where they underwent examination. While at the research facility, the survivors began to show symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis it was found out they are infected by a strange type of hookworm parasite, which was classified as "Alpha-worm". Conventional medicine had no effects on the patients and the worms deformed the victims, but the infection increased the strength and resilience of the people infected. The infected eventually broke free and attacked the researchers and, due to a fear of an outbreak, the military assaulted the facility and destroyed all traces of the infected. To prevent panic, governments of the world kept the Alpha-worms secret. The G.U.I.D.E (Global United Infestation Detection and Elimination) force was formed by Agent Michael Wilson, recruiting elite operatives from around the world. Eventually, after a massive outbreak of Alpha-worm infestation takes over the city of Tokyo, an elite ninja team including the young Ken Ogawa, and led by his father Kanbe, is sent to deal with the situation (wikipedia)


Minimum System Requirements :
  1. Cpu : Pentium® 4 3,2 GHz or similar Athlon® 64   
  2. Ram : 1 GB RAM   
  3. Vga: 3D Video card with 256 MB VRAM, DirectX® 9.0c compatible (GeForce 8600GTS/Radeon HD2600XT or higher)   
  4. Dx : DirectX® 9.0c   
  5. OS :  Microsoft® Windows® XP/Vista/7   
  6. Hdd : 5 GB free disk space   
  7. Sound : DirectX® 9.0с compatible sound card   
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+ comments + 11 comments

January 29, 2013 at 5:18 AM

Keren juga gamenya Mas. Hehe, mau download tapi koneksi internet lagi lelet. Btw bedanya ini game sama TMNT apa ? Trus apa butuh spesifikasi kelas atas ?

February 12, 2013 at 5:16 PM

game ninja blade udah di ekstrak ulang tapi masih error untuk "data3".
mohon bantuannya gan.

February 13, 2013 at 8:43 PM

Juragan mohon bantuan nya

March 11, 2013 at 11:48 AM

wah keren artikelnya gan
bermanfaat banget.

jangan lupa komen backnya di

March 27, 2013 at 10:19 PM

ini buat x-box ya,
yang buat PC nya ada tidak ya???

April 8, 2013 at 9:52 AM

serial numb nya gmana?

May 22, 2013 at 6:07 PM

min, aku minta SNnya. ane udh capek download apalagi harus dialihkan dulu ke
mana SNnya. cepet.

Sertifikatnya 18+ tuh, pasti extreme bgt tuh :D

September 7, 2013 at 11:13 PM

interesting articles and commentaries friend, I became interested in reading, I introduce a new blogger from Indonesia origin. greetings

October 8, 2013 at 9:12 AM

pengin download tp kuota udah abiz nih gan.

December 1, 2013 at 2:55 PM

Asik mantap mantap , makasih sob :D

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